- 28 October 2022
No one wants termites in or around their home. The damage they cause to wooden parts of the building and the furniture, fabrics and cellulose-based materials in the home can be massive, both in terms of the financial and other losses and the hassle of getting the damage repaired. Everyone has heard horror stories of people who have suffered termite infestations.
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- 20 October 2022
Your home is your castle and your family’s place of refuge from the negative influences of the world. You sweated and toiled to own it and keeping it safe and protected is at the top of your list of priorities. You have insurance against fire,earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters that occur where you live.
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- 17 October 2022
America’s Finest City has a lot going for it and while other cities may dispute the tag, it is, without doubt, a great place to live in. However, no place is ever perfect and one of the main problems in owning a house in the city is the danger that termites pose. California has 2 cities among the top 50 in the country that are prone to termite infestation and damage.
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- 29 September 2022
The old adage about prevention being better than cure is so true when it comes to termite infestation in a home. An expert termite control service will be able to get rid of any termites that may be found, but if you try to do it yourself, by the time you spot the existence of an infestation, unthinkable damage may already have been done.
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- 29 September 2022
Your home faces many threats such as floods, fire, high winds and so on. You take all the necessary steps to protect your home from the dangers that it faces. But have you protected it against termite infestation? Termites are the top threat to wood and wooden structures. According to the National Pest Management Association, termites inflict damages to the tune of over $5 billion each year, in the U.S. alone. In this country, we have 2 types of termites – the subterranean and drywood varieties.
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- 27 August 2022
Homeowners don’t want to think about termites, but they have to. Most of us have only one home and it is irreplaceable. Termites can do untold damage to the extent of making a home uninhabitable. Understanding termites makes it much easier to fight them and protect your home.
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- 19 August 2022
No one will deny that termites are pests. But to dismiss them as merely that is to categorize them along with mosquitoes and flies – creatures that no one wants around, but which we have to live with. This is a mistake. Termites can destroy a home, the furnishings in it, and by doing that ruin a family’s finances and negatively impact the future.
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- 29 July 2022
Discovering termites in your home is a nightmare. Unfortunately, it happens more often than anyone wants, especially in the high termite risk area of southern California. When termites are found, the only safe way to be sure of getting rid of them and protecting your home is to call in a professional termite removal company
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- 19 July 2022
California may be an aspirational place to live for people from the other parts of the U.S. and even the rest of the world, but no paradise is perfect. One problem that homeowners in California face is the risk of termite infestation.Termite Infestation Probability Zones (TIPZs) are based on the termite infestation probability map developed by the U.S. Forest Service and it is used to determine the risk of infestation in a geographical region.
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- 23 June 2022
Few things can cause as much dismay in the heart of a homeowner as finding that termites have invaded his home. Termites are tiny insects, but they have a big appetite for anything made of wood or cellulose. The damage they do can remain unseen for a long time and only become obvious when the destruction has reached an advanced stage.